How To: Control your ant problem in safe way

Control your ant problem in safe way

Are you suffering from an ant problem? Do you spray them with the nearest product or drown them in water? You'll think you've gotten rid of the problem, but there back again and again. In this video, you'll learn how to get rid of them once and for all the safe way.

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1 Comment

Nope not impressed. Honestly some of this info in this video is B-A-D. Washing ants and the trail they make with hot soapy water does NOT prevent them from coming back. It only kills the ones that are there at the time. If thats all you do they'll be back in less than 24 hours. In fact using disinfectant on the area will not keep them away more than 3-4 days. Eventually, they come back to the same area. Even keeping the area clean - free from food - once they find a spot or trail they like they keep using it again and again. Vinegar didn't work for us either. Ants don't just come inside for food. They also come inside for warmth when its starts to get cold outside in the Fall.

Also caulking the area where you track them coming in will not work permanently. They will find ANOTHER WAY to get in. One place I lived in had so many ant trails no matter what we caulked, no matter what we tried they always came back eventually. It basically just became a game of staying on top of them, knowing the times of year they would come and being able to win tiny battles but certainly not the war. Our neighbors had the same issues. These ants were tough and persistent. One of the best things I used against them in my bathroom was Borax. It kept them out for the whole season. But I had to do 3 applications before they stopped. The kitchen was a different story. 7-Dust worked pretty good there (lasting a few weeks) but it was messy and we couldn't put it in some areas like the counter where we ate.

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