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Recycling your garbage is noble and, in many places, mandatory. But it also can be very confusing. This guide will clear up the rules. Check LawsCheck the local laws regarding recycling in your town. ...

It is simple, has easily available parts, is nice-looking, and is DIY for only $60 or so. It's kind of an energy category, or I'm not sure where it would fit. Yeah, you can blame me for the video; it' ...

If you've ever gotten super glue stuck to your fingers, you know what a pain it can be to get it off again! Don't worry - there's a simple household item you probably already stock that can take care ...

Leafminers aren't picky about their dwelling. If you were a plant, healthy or puny, they'd invade your leaves too. From the luscious of home gardens to the most unkempt greenhouse, you'll find a few L ...

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to make a mini greenhouse milk jug. Begin by cutting the milk jug in half. Make sure to leave one side uncut, leaving the top of the jug on. Then pour some po ...

The bee population is in trouble. Colony Collapse Disorder is a mysterious malady that is decimating bee colonies all the country and could kill them completely, which would leave all of the plants an ...

Growing whatever food that you can yourself is tremendously good for the environment because industrial food production has all sorts of ecological problems. If you live in an apartment, it might seem ...

Toilets are one of the greatest boons to public health of all time, but they do use a ton of water when they flush. If the old adage "If it's yellow, stay mellow. If it's brown, flush it down," disgus ...

Cockroaches are one of the most durable and and irritating forms of life on Earth. Many turn to toxic chemicals to get rid of them, but that's not very green is it? This video will give you some eco-f ...