Have a room full of stuff you never use, but never bothered to throw away? Read on to learn how to organize your stuff, step by step.
Get a plastic bag or a recycling bin ready for the clean up.
Start with a small area, like a closet or desk.
Spread everything that is in that area out on the floor or bed.
Make separate piles for things that you want to:
- Throw away
- Give away
- Keep and use a lot
- Keep but not use much
- Display (for example, artwork)
- Move
Throw all the stuff in the "Throw Away" pile out.
Give things in the "Give Away" pile to a shelter or organization.
Store the things in the "Keep but not use much" pile in large containers. Store these containers in miscellaneous location, such as at the bottom of a closet, under a bed, or in a basement.
Put stuff you want to "Display" on the wall, so that it is out of the way but still viewable.
Separate things you want to use a lot into categories. For example, put all of your writing utensils in a cup.
Move things in the "Move" pile to somewhere else in the room or house. As you move those items, think carefully about whether you really need them or not. If they don't belong in your room, do they belong anywhere else? If not, throw it out or give it away.
Put your contained items into their appropriate place.
Again, look through them to see if you really need to use them. Put the containers in appropriate locations, but still out of the immediate way. For instance, put your writing utensils on a desk, but to the back or side of the desk top.
When storing items, remember to build up, not out. Store things on shelves, instead of the center of the room.
Vacuum, and be proud of your work!
- If your room is very cluttered, organize things by large object or area. For example, if you have a large bureau, organize everything in the bureau, and then move on to something else, like a bed or desk.
- Use a computer to store documents and so on. Then recycle the paper copies.
- Stuff that you give away should be in good condition.
- If you don't want to give something away, you could sell it in a garage sale. Beware, though, because you may never get around to have that garage sale.
- Label the piles so you don't accidentally throw away something you want.
- Get some cabinets, drawers, or other storage items to help you organize. You can get cheap but cheerful storage items from shops such as IKEA or your local supermarket, they're great if you're on a budget.
- If you have trouble throwing potentially useful things away try giving them to a charity; it will make you feel wonderful!!
- If you have younger siblings you could put the "give away" pile on display and have a small auction, selling things for 1 or 2 dollars. Or, you could trade them for something you like of theirs.
- If you have pets and they shed try putting your things in drawers and other places so that the animals cannot get them.
- Try listening to the radio while you tidy your room, it will make it more fun.
- Some people have a hard time throwing or giving things away, even if they will never use them. If you are one of those people, use this rule: if you haven't used the item in about a year, you don't need it. An exception is if the item is valuable. If you're really bent on clearing your clutter, take the item to be appraised; then sell it or give it away.
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