Water is an important resource and it needs preservation. Older toilets suck up way more water than necessary, causing both high water bills and pain for the environment. Follow this tutorial, and learn how turn your old toilet into a newer low-flow model.
You Will Need
• ½-gallon plastic container with a lid
• Water
• Pebbles or sand (optional)
Step 1: Test the size of your container
Remove the lid from your toilet tank and insert a clean, ½-gallon plastic bottle to make sure it fits.
The bottle should fit in the tank without touching the mechanical parts of the flushing and refilling system.
Step 2: Fill the bottle
Remove the bottle and fill it with water, pebbles, or sand.
Step 3: Put the cap on
Screw the cap or lid securely onto the container.
Step 4: Put the bottle in the tank
Put the bottle into the tank, away from the moving parts of the toilet. Replace the lid on your toilet tank, and you are done.
Adding a plastic bottle to your toilet tank can save as much as 25 percent of the water flushed in a typical home.
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