Everything Else

How To: Make drink coasters out of old magazines

Watch this video tutorial to find out how to turn unwanted magazines into practical, creative drink coasters. These coasters last surprisingly long and are easy to make! This crafty project is eco-friendly, and reduces waste in your home. Check out this how-to video and find out a way to recycle old magazines into coasters.

How To: Make a geothermal slinky

Watch this training video for making Earth Loop Geothermal Slinkies. Geothermal technology takes advantage of the earth's natural heat-storing ability. A geothermal system include three main pieces of equipment: underground piping, a heat pump and an air-handling system. The geothermal process is based on a simple premise: Below the frost line - usually about six feet deep – the earth is a constant temperature of about 50 degrees Fahrenheit all year long.

How To: Harvest rainwater

P. Allen Smith talks with Shawn Hatley of Brae Water about the rain water harvesting system at the Garden Home Retreat. Begin by digging a very large hole. Simple rain tanks conveniently fit into the large dugout. This instructional landscaping video to save up to half a million gallons of water in a single year. Collecting rain water is a cost efficient way to save water and energy while maintaining your garden.

How To: Build a home-made wind generator using basic tools

Suffering from high energy costs or simply looking to live in a more environmentally sustainable fashion? In this video tutorial, you'll find instructions for building your own wind generator using simple hand tools. For more, as well as step-by-step instructions to building a your own rotary wind generator, take a look at this how-to video.

How To: Build your own aquifer

Many communities obtain their drinking water from underground sources called aquifers. If a surface water source, such as a river, is not available, water companies will drill wells into the soil and rock to a water source below. Some homes have their own private wells and must tap into the same ground water sources. In this video tutorial, you'll what aquifers are, how they work, why they are important and, of course, how to build your own model! Build your own aquifer.

How To: Build your own rain barrel

In this video tutorial, you'll find instructions on how to build your own barrel as well as learn about the benefits of water of conservation. Rain barrels reduce storm water runoff, provides healthy water for your plants, conserves water and, of course, to the extent that you don't pay for it, will help you to save money. For more, or to get started building your own rain barrel, watch this DIY video guide.

How To: Replace a drippy tap washer

A dripping tap waste around 2 liters of water every hour. Often we ignore this wasted water as it doesn't look like much until you realize that's 18,000 litres per year. Changing a tap washer yourself can be simple and cheap if you know what you're doing but there are some safety tips you'll need to know. For more, or to get started on your own tap washer replacement project, watch this ecofriendly DIY video guide. Replace a drippy tap washer.

How To: Make shopping bags from old, used jeans

Go green with recycled blue jeans and help to eliminate plastic shopping bags. In this video tutorial, you'll learn how to make shopping bags from old, used blue jeans. For a step-by-step at the conversion process, and to get started making your own blue jean shopping bags, watch this eco-friendly how-to.

How To: Use earthen plaster

Lately, there's been a lot of building work going on around Dancing Rabbit. So for this episode of Dancing Rabbit TV, they're taking the opportunity to provide a one-two how-to natural DIY building lesson, an in-depth video about earthen plastering techniques and application. Tamar will guide you every step of the the build process, showing how easy it is to make natural plaster from just a few simple ingredients, both making and mixing the plaster, and then applying it to a natural home wall...

How To: Make an eco-friendly windchime out of keys

There are lots of different ways to make windchimes, but three parts are essential; you will need something to hang it with, something to hang it from, and something to make some noise. This how-to video from a Piece of Craft shows an eco-friendly wind chime made from an old sink strainer, old keys, and colored twine. Watch this video crafting tutorial and learn how to make a windchime out of keys, or whatever other recyclable materials you want.

How To: Make a dog waste composter

This instructional video demonstrates how to make a doggy doo doo composter. Use a septic enzyme to break things down faster. Add leaves and brush to keep it from smelling. You should not use this soil on your garden, but it is an eco-friendly way of getting rid of dog waste.

How To: Reduce water and energy while doing laundry

Here are a few simple solutions to help you save money and reduce your water and energy consumption. By washing your clothes in cold water you can save ninety percent of the energy normally expended in doing a load of laundry. If you do laundry before 9am or after 9pm you can allow energy companies to utilize more efficient renewable energy.

How To: Reduce waste from plastic bags

Here is the real answer to the question: Paper or plastic? Join your friendly neighbor for a fireside chat about plastic bags and how Americans consume 380 billion of them a year. If you don't need a bag, don't take one. You can use fabric bags and reuse them over and over again. You can also reuse plastic bags for trash can liners, doggy bags, etc.

How To: Install photovoltaic laminates for easy solar power

Installing clean, reliable, inflation-proof solar power is easier than ever thanks to the invention of thin-film photovoltaic (PV) laminates that can be bonded directly onto metal roofing panels. Unlike crystalline PV material, there's no need for obtrusive racks and heavy, expensive glass. Instead, unbreakable thin-film PV is produced using amorphous silicon, encapsulated in Teflon and other polymers. Watch this video to learn how to install PV laminates on your own roof.

How To: Save energy by insulating a garage door

The garage is the largest uninsulated part of the home. Make your garage energy efficient and help cut heating and cooling bills with a little insulation. Watch this how to video and learn how easy it is to use reflective foil or foam core to keep the effects of the weather out of your home. Insulating also helps reduce noise reduction.

How To: Save energy by checking and sealing windows

Protect your most important investment with seasonal maintenance. A regular schedule of periodic inspections and maintenance of windows can help prevent the most common, and costly, problems before they occur. Organized by season, this workshop covers topics such as repairing walkways and steps, cleaning out gutters, and checking the heating, AC and plumbing systems--everything you need to maintain your home year-round. Discover tips for checking window seals to save on heating in this how to...

How To: Make a pair of goggles

Goggles are an effective way to protect your eyes. When you can't find a pair, don't resort to not using goggles; make your own. You literally won't have to spend a dime on Materials because you probably already have these items. You might even throw them away from time to time. Watch this do it yourself video tutorial and learn how to make a pair of goggles.

How To: Make homemade bio-diesel fuel

Watch this how to video and learn the process of making biodiesel fuel using inexpensive ingredients. Proceed with caution when making bio-diesel fuel. This process can be dangerous. You can use bio-diesel fuel in any modern diesel powered car.

How To: Make a homemade eco-friendly air conditioning

Fans do a pretty good job of cooling you down in the summer but sometimes only an air conditioning can do the job right. In this tutorial, SuChin Pak and Daniel Sieberg demonstrate how to make a homemade air conditioning system with a fan, coil and ice water. Save the environment while staying cool in the summer with this DIY air conditioning.

How To: Reuse dryer lint

Even dryer lint can be recycled. Watch this how to video as ultimate cheapskate Jeff Yeager gives dryer lint new life. There are more uses for dryer lint than you can imagine.

How To: Conserve water in your home

Australian native Scott's biggest concern is water conservation. By overhauling his bathroom, hot water, heater and backyard, Scott saves $360 a year on water costs. Learn how you can save money and conserve water by renovating your plumbing with this how to video.

How To: Use a composting toilet

The regular toilet is a huge waste of water, and those low flow toilets don't always get rid of your "business." The Keep it Green girls discover an eco-friendly way to discard human waste and create compost for your garden. Learn how to turn your waste into compost with the composting toilet.

How To: Use urine as fertilizer

Learn how to neutralize urine as it is used to create fertilizer for house plants with this tutorial. This is a great way to reuse your urine and make a great fertilizer for your garden. All you need is magnesium chloride and urine.

How To: Make a natural air freshener

Air fresheners are often packed with chemicals or they plug into the wall and use electricity. In this how-to video, you'll learn how to make a natural, organic air freshener with an orange, a length of rope, and some dried cloves. Watch this video and make your own citrus air freshener today. Make a natural air freshener.

How To: Improve the efficiency of your air conditioner

Window and portable air conditioners use a lot of power to do their work. Make sure you're getting what you pay for by cleaning your air conditioner out periodically. The cleaning costs are negligible and can save you a lot of money. In this two-part tutorial series, you'll learn how to make your air conditioning units run as they should. Remember to be careful; air conditioners can be heavy. Get help if you need it and, of course, unplug the air conditioner before doing anything seen in this...

How To: Make bio diesel

Make your own backyard biodiesel with the help of Kipkay. It's easy to make a small batch that will work in any diesel engine. You won't need any special equipment--an old juice bottle will serve as the "reactor" vessel--and on such a small scale, you can quickly refine your technique and perform further experiments. Thanks go to Rob Elam for the original article in Make Volume 3To download Making Biodiesel MP4 click here or subscribe in iTunes. Check out the complete Making Biodiesel article...

How To: Make compost for your garden

Wherever possible it is a good idea to make your own garden compost. It not only saves you having to dispose of garden waste, the compost that you make is great for the garden. There's an old saying that goes "you only get out of the garden what you put into it" and one of the best things you can put into a garden is organic matter. Learn how you can compost your garden waste with this how to video.

How To: Ferment bokashi with molasses

Bokashi is a fermented wheat bran used to pickle kitchen food waste to help it compost quicker without foul odors. Watch this how to video to learn how to ferment bokashi with molasses. Use the fermented bokashi to clean the septic system, pickle, or even to compost.

How To: Compost with worms or vermicompost

Learn how you can compost with worms or vermicomposting with this how to video. Worm compost is a great easy way to make compost without the hassle of turning the compost. And you keep the squiggly little guys as pets too! Watch this environment friendly tutorial and you can have a worm compost in your home.

How To: Conserve water in your home and yard

Water is becoming more scarce and more expensive. Most of the water used in your house is used outside the house. This how to video teaches you tips for conserving water around your yard. Watch this eco-friendly tutorial and you can be saving water and money in your home in no time.

How To: Make a grocery bag out of bandanas

Check out this tutorial that teaches you how to make a cotton reusable grocery bag out of bandanna. All you need is 2 bandanas, sewing thread, a sewing machine, scissors, and marking pens. This is a great, fashionable way to go shopping and cut down on plastic bags. Watch this how to video and you can save the earth in style with reusable grocery bags.