News: The "White Goat" Eats Office Paper, Spits Out Toilet Paper

The "White Goat" Eats Office Paper, Spits Out Toilet Paper

A Japanese company called Oriental [JP] has invented an eco-friendly machine that turns office paper into toilet paper. Called the "White Goat", the machine's process is simple: feed it approximately 40 sheets of paper and thirty minutes later it deliver one perfectly constructed roll of toilet paper.

The White Goat will be available for purchase the summer, but the price is pretty steep: $100,000.

The "White Goat" Eats Office Paper, Spits Out Toilet Paper

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that toilet paper looks really scratchy.

ugh, my ass hurts just reading this article.

I love the Japanese. I prefer to use baby wipes though. My butthole is as clean as a whistle.

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