Everything Else

How To: Make your own organic and all natural toothpaste

Concerned about the unpronounceable chemicals you see on tubes of toothpaste? Clean your tetth and keep your breath fresh without having to introduce unpleasant chemicals to your system! All you need is some baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, essential oils (mints are best) and a few drops of stevia (optional). Combine together, and smile! You have homemade toothpaste!

How To: Build a green wind tunnel insect trap

Killing bugs used to be the domain of fancy chemicals that, it turns out, hurt us as much or more than the bugs. If you have a flying pest problem and need a green way to control it, watch this video to learn how to make a DIY wind tunnel trap for your insect nemeses.

How To: Make a wind turbine using a ceiling fan

Scott Brown teaches us how to make a wind turbine using a ceiling fan in this video. First, place steel banding around the middle of the ceiling fan base. Now, cross all the combinations of the wires and keep them close together so you don't confuse them. Hook these up to DC terminals so you get around 50 volts on both of them. Hook them parallel so you keep the voltage down to around 50 volts together. Then place the wires into a connector that has a pipe connected to the bottom. This will c...

How To: Use microgeneration to generate power

In this video, we learn how to use microgeneration to generate power. You can start by placing solar panels on your roof which is very easy to get installed. It's not a huge job, it just takes some workers and a meter that is in the house. This will tell you how much power you are getting through the solar panels. Another edition you can have is a panel that will give you hot water, which can save you money on your monthly bills. This will give you confidence in your energy because you are pr...

How To: Use solar thermal microgeneration

Solar Thermal Microgeneration may be used to reduce your hot water bill, fossil fuel use, and lower your carbon footprint. For water heating, water is collected from solar panels. It is used to heat the water, as it filters through the water heater. Some areas require all new homes to provide an energy rating to buyers. Solar thermal panels harness the suns energy and reducing the need for fossil fuels to heat water. You will need the combination of solar panels, a traditional water heater, a...

How To: Use green techniques to get rid of ants

If you don't want to use toxic or environmentally unfriendly ant poisons and bug sprays to control your ant problem, you can make a greener bug repellent using household items and natural ingredients. Salt, chalk, lemon juice, cayenne pepper, white vinegar, oranges and petroleum jelly can all be used to keep ants out of your house, yard, garden or picnic.

How To: Make your own homemade, eco-friendly all purpose cleaner

If you've just ran out of all purpose cleaner, hold on to your waller for just a couple of minutes. Most of the all purpose cleaners, or any cleaner for that matter, contains chemicals that can be harmful for you and others. Not only that, but it produces more trash that can easily be avoided. How so? By making your own stuff from scratch.

How To: Build your own windmill with household materials

In this Home & Garden video tutorial you will learn how to build your own windmill with household materials. Materials needed for the windmill are a template, scissors, straw, some yarn, some pennies, a paper cup, rubber bands, pencil, single hole punch, a skewer and thumb tacks. Take the template, cut it out along the solid lines and punch holes on the corners as shown in the video. Now with a thumbtack and a pencil make a nice hole at the center of the template. Fold the template along the ...

How To: Recycle old windows into new decorations

In this video, we learn how to recycle old windows into new decorations. First, you can make a coffee table by using the old window and adding legs onto the bottom of it. You can also place a box around the bottom and hinge the window to make a display case. This is simple to make and doesn't cost much, you only need to pay for the legs of the table! You can also use the window to make a pot rack, but make sure you have strong hooks in the ceiling to hold the rack tightly and it will be able ...

How To: Make light using a stepper motor generator

In this tutorial, we learn how to make light using a stepper motor generator. First, take the motor out of an old printer that you don't use anymore. After this, find a few LED lights. You will need to solder the LED lights, then connect them with a soldering iron to the printer motor. Now connect these to a generator, and the light should now shine so that you can see in the dark! This won't use any additional electricity, so you are helping the environment. All of the pieces used to make th...

How To: Save money & water with your toilet flush

This video tutorial is in the Home & Garden category which will show you how to save money & water with your toilet flush. The first step is to turn the water off. Then remove the lid of the tank, disconnect the bowl refill supply and make sure that the overflow pipe is open. The next step is to take the new sink, attach it to the water supply point, place the drain in the overflow pipe and position the sink over the flush tank. The modification is done. Now turn on the water supply and your ...

How To: Save the Bee Population from Colony Collapse Disorder

The bee population is in trouble. Colony Collapse Disorder is a mysterious malady that is decimating bee colonies all the country and could kill them completely, which would leave all of the plants and honey-loving people of the world in serious trouble. This video will give you some tips for encouraging the bee population, which is really one of the most green things you can do in this, the bees' time of need.

How To: Make a Window Garden to Grow Food in a Small Space

Growing whatever food that you can yourself is tremendously good for the environment because industrial food production has all sorts of ecological problems. If you live in an apartment, it might seem impossible to grow your own food. Think again! This video will show you how to make a window garden in your apartment and use it to grow herbs and other small crops, decreasing your carbon footprint and making your meals more green.

How To: Make Green Modifications to Your Toilet to Save Water

Toilets are one of the greatest boons to public health of all time, but they do use a ton of water when they flush. If the old adage "If it's yellow, stay mellow. If it's brown, flush it down," disgusts you, but you still want to find a more green way to flush, then watch this video. I will show you how to modify your toilet at home, making it use less water without sacrificing flushing efficiency. Don't waste money on a low-flow toilet or destroy the planet. Watch this video.

How To: Kill Cockroaches in a Green Way

Cockroaches are one of the most durable and and irritating forms of life on Earth. Many turn to toxic chemicals to get rid of them, but that's not very green is it? This video will give you some eco-friendly tips for preventing infestations, trapping insects, and disposing of them once you've caught them. Yes, cockroaches are part of nature. No, that doesn't mean we're not going to kill them.

How To: Take a Green Shower and Save Water

Bathing is one of the most enjoyable and least environmentally responsible part of many people's days. Fortunately, showers use less water than baths, so we're better off than we used to be. This video will show you how to green your shower even further, reducing your water usage as well as your water and heating bills, and increasing the longevity of our water supplies and planet.

How To: Install a 1010TR Solar Powered Attic Fan in your home

Everyone should have an electric fan installed in their attic, but who wants to waste electricity on something like that? That's where the 1010TR Solar Powered Attic Fan from U.S. Sunlight Corporation comes in. If you have just gotten yourself one of these energy saving roof fans, you have two options: professional installation or self-installation. This video will walk you through the steps of installing the solar-powered fan yourself, and for more help, download the official installation in...

How To: Make a Milk Jug Green House

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to make a mini greenhouse milk jug. Begin by cutting the milk jug in half. Make sure to leave one side uncut, leaving the top of the jug on. Then pour some potting soil into the milk jug and plant some seeds into the soil. Make sure to plant the seeds deep into the soil and then pour some water onto the soil. Now tape down the top of the milk jug. This video will benefit those viewers who enjoy planting and gardening, and would like to learn how to ma...

How To: Get rid of wasps and hornets without chemicals

In this tutorial, we learn how to get rid of wasps and hornets without using chemicals. Take a piece of bacon and wrap it around a stick. Then secure that stick by hanging it over a bowl of water with dish soap on it. The bacon will entice the bees to come towards it. Then, the bees will eat so much bacon they will have a hard time flying and they will end up flying down into the bowl of water. Then, the soap will make them be able not to fly and they will drown in the water. This is very eff...

How To: Make a box out of used plastic bottles

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to make a box out of used plastic bottles. This task is very simple, fast and easy to do. The materials required for this task are 2 plastic bottles and a zipper. Begin by cutting off the bottom of both plastic bottles. Now glue the zipper on both of the bottom pieces and glue the bottom pieces together. Then zip the bottom pieces together. This video will benefit those viewers who enjoy making arts and crafts and recycling material, and would like to...

How To: Conserve at home to help the enviroment

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to conserve at home. One way to conserve at home is to have a recycling bin. Before throwing away a recyclable item, rinse it off first to avoid unpleasant odors. Change all the incandescent light bulbs in your home to fluorescent light bulbs to conserve the electricity. Fluorescent light bulbs consume 4 times less energy and lasts 8 times longer. Use home appliances that have the "Energy Star" label on them. Wash your clothing with cold water. Eat or...

How To: Recycle old egg cartons and grow new seedlings

In this clip, learn how to save that old egg carton from the trash, and save yourself money at the same time. No need to buy little pots for plants that you are just starting out with, reuse those cartons and grow seedlings inside them! This tutorial will show you how quickly and easily you can be an eco-friendly gardener!

How To: Install solar panels to your home

Solar panels have been around for quite some time now and more people are taking a shot at being "green" with their homes. Finding and picking the right solar panels can be easy, but getting it ready is another story. This is a task that many people try to tackle on their own, but is sometimes better to hire a professional. In this tutorial, you'll see what it takes to install solar panels on a home. It's easy to follow and can make life better for you and others. Good luck and enjoy!

How To: Add solar to your home

Each day, more and more people are going "green" and taking the necessary actions to make sure they don't leave a big footprint on the Earth. One way of doing this is by adding solar energy to your home. This is a great way to save money on your energy bill and gives you a good feeling. So in this tutorial, you'll find out what it takes to buy solar panels and how it works in your home. So check out the video above and good luck!

How To: Use water barrels on your garden to save money

If rain is a constant weather in your city, you should check into installing rain barrels outside. These precious storage systems are great to use for watering your plants during the long summer months. Not only does it help you save money, but it helps out the environment as well. They're easy to set up and can be done without much hassle. So check out the tutorial above from the city of Calgary, on how to use rain barrels today. Good luck and enjoy!

How To: Seal your air ducts and save energy and money

If you take a quick look around your home, there are many areas that can be changed to help ensure that it's energy efficient. From the fridge in your kitchen to the lights outside, there are numerous possibilities. One area that is filled with possibilities is your basement, more specifically, your home's air ducts. This is an area where you can save 5-10 percent per month on your energy bill. It takes a little bit of time to complete, but is totally worth it in the long haul. So check out t...

How To: Install window insulation in your basement

Just like a garage, basements can become areas where you're saying hello cold air, good-bye money! This is because when cold air fills a basement, the floor above it becomes cold and can actually lower the tempature in that room. To avoid this, you need to install proper insulation at your windows. This can be an easy task.

How To: Save money by insulating your water pipes

If you look around your home, there are numerous areas that can be worked on to help you save money and energy. From your tv, to your laptop, to even your sink, it's all around you. You can even find it in your basement. Those water pipes that are exposed underground, are perfect areas of where you can easily save money.

How To: Save energy and money by changing your light bulbs

Saving energy is as easy as 1,2,3! There are various places in your home where you can spend money on that will not only save you energy, but money as well. One of the most common and easiest places is the light fixtures. From sconces, to lamps, to the lights above your dining room table, these lights can be replaced with more energy efficient lights easily. They cost a bit more, but in the long haul will save you money and help leave a smaller footprint on this planet.

How To: Be wary of vampire voltage

Vampire voltage may sound like the next Sci-Fi channel original movie, but it's not. It's something that lives in your very home and can be affecting your energy bill even as you read this. Basically vampire voltage is an appliance that is using electricty although it's not being used. Computers, microwaves, blu-ray disk players, etc are examples of vampires.